Happy New Year!
If you want to be Happy in the New Year and wish others the same, point them to Psalm 1....
Keep ReadingIf you want to be Happy in the New Year and wish others the same, point them to Psalm 1....
Keep ReadingA successful and prosperous year, a year in which you can be strong and courageous, is a year in which the word of God is kept central to your life....
Keep ReadingI'll purchase tickets early for this one. Bram Stoker's Dracula is a literary classic pitting good versus evil and dramatically portraying the triumph of good over evil. Director Alicia Fodor will do a masterful job of bringing this play to life....
Keep ReadingGood BBQ takes time and seldom goes unappreciated. So does life. ...
Keep ReadingAre youth an important part of the church family? If so, how should that belief be expressed in our attitudes and actions? ...
Keep ReadingLet's face it...the youth rooms are not in the best shape. If you've visited with us on a Youth Family Night, you know this to be the case. I've even heard it said (jokingly, of course!) it might be better if they accidentally caught fire! All kidding aside, though, it's become obvious that work needs to be done to give a "face lift" to the modular buildings where we meet...
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