Team Honduras 2015
On July 18, 2015 nine members of Rincon Mountain and two members from a church in Las Cruces, NM will depart from Tucson International Airport for La Ceiba, Honduras. These eleven people will go to Honduras to work with MTW missionaries, Mike and Erin Pettengill, for one week. They will help build houses, care for the sick and hurting, teach, love and play with children and young people in the rural suburb of Armenia Bonito. The team will be there to show the love of Jesus to all whom they meet.
Who is going on this trip? Here are the team members from RMPC: Kelly Holmes, Gail and Harv Jansen, Phil, Shelley and Caleb Kruis, Claudia Levin, Elena McFall, and Jessica Quinlan. Joining them from Las Cruces, NM will be Phil Kruis' sister-in-law, Diane Kruis, and her daughter, Jacque.
This is quite an eclectic team, ranging in age from 15 to 64. Their abilities and gifts will allow this group's work on the trip to range from helping with the children, to common manual labor, to serving as a medical doctor in the clinic. One member of our team was born in Nicaragua while another was born in Italy. Both of these team members will connect more easily to the native Spinish speakers of Honduras.
While we are an eclectic team, there is one thing that unites us: faith and trust in Jesus Christ. We trust that he will use this team to be of real help to the missionaries, the native Hondurans and to each other. We know that we have a lot to learn about how things work in Honduran culture and how God will use us there but we are excited to learn these things.
One thing we have been truly amazed and blessed by is how the financial support for our team has been accumulating. The team has hosted several fund raising events including a car wash in April, a taco salad luncheon, and a casserole sale. The car wash raised over $600, the taco salad luncheon raised close to $1900 and the casserole sale raised over $800! In addition, a gifted artist in the church hosted two ceramic painting classes in which participants painted ceramic crosses.These classes raised over $500! Another member family has been selling fresh chicken, duck and quail eggs after worship services on Sundays with all proceeds from the sales of the eggs going to Team Honduras! Over $200 was raised from the sale of eggs.
In addition, most team members have been raising support through letters sent to family and friends. The response to these letters has been overwhelming. The generosity and support of family and friends is an asset we cannot underestimate or over thank.
God has already been doing a great work in the lives of Team Honduras 2015. He put together the right team and he is making sure our way is provided through generous support. I can't wait to see what he has in store for the team.
Keep the team in prayer. Physical demands and spiritual warfare are regular parts of a trip like this. Prya that the God who is sending and so wonderfully providing will guard and protect team members and their families.
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