Sermons from Romans

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August 11, 2024

Adopted Sons in the Eternal Son

Speaker: Mark Lauterbach Series: Intersections; Where God's glory and the Gospel meet our ordinary lives Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Romans 8:14–17, Galatians 3:23– 4:7

October 22, 2023

The Power of the Gospel

Speaker: Matt Essewein Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Romans 1:16–17

April 30, 2023

Hidden Talents?

Speaker: Phil Kruis Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Romans 12:3–8

August 30, 2020

Loving the Brethren

Speaker: Monte Kline Series: Unity in the Church Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Romans 14:1–23

January 8, 2017

Make Your Witness Clear

Speaker: Phil Kruis Series: Old/New Year Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Romans 12:9–21

March 27, 2016

Raised from the Dead

Speaker: Phil Kruis Series: Easter Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Romans 8:11

November 22, 2015

Christ the Second Adam

Series: Christ Our Savior: Pictures of Christ's Saving Events Topic: Sunday Evening Passage: Romans 5:12–21

October 26, 2014

We Are All Missionaries

Speaker: Mike Pettengill Series: General Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Romans 12:1–12:2

May 25, 2014

A Uniting Church

Speaker: Phil Kruis Series: Four Practical Ways to Be the Church Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Romans 12:4–12:8

December 29, 2013

What We Need in 2014: New Life

Series: Old/New Year Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Romans 6:1–6:12