Wisdom and the Meaningless Life

January 22, 2017 Speaker: Mark Lauterbach Series: Ecclesiastes

Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: Ecclesiastes 1:12–18, Ecclesiastes 2:12–17

I. Life is...

II. Wisdom is...

III. Wisdom cannot…

IV. Wisdom can…

V. Wisdom looks like this...


Questions to consider: In what way are you tempted to make sense of your life, or find a way to control your life? How does it hinder you? What would it look like for you to follow true wisdom and live for today and for the last day?

More in Ecclesiastes

February 26, 2017

Death, Life, and Meaning

February 19, 2017

Control and Meaninglessness

February 12, 2017

Riches and Meaninglessness