Restoration and Forgiveness
October 21, 2018 Speaker: Mark Lauterbach Series: 2 Corinthians
Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: 2 Corinthians 2:5–11
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Main Point: Christ authorizes the church to represent him in discipline and restoration of its members.
I. The Back Story of Sin and Discipline
As the church acted for Christ in discipline, so they must now act for Christ in forgiveness and restoration.
II. The New Story of Restoration
III. The Enemies of Discipline and Restoration
Questions to consider:
- Have you observed good examples of discipline in a church? What did they look like?
- Have you seen good examples of restoration and forgiveness in a church? What did they look like?
- Which is harder for you: church discipline or church restoration and forgives? Why?
Next week’s text: Matt. 18:21–35
More in 2 Corinthians
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