The Way of the Cross and the Commendation of God

June 2, 2019 Speaker: Mark Lauterbach Series: 2 Corinthians

Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: 2 Corinthians 10:7–18

The Backstory



What did the enemies of the Gospel do and say?



How does Paul answer the enemies of the Gospel?



What does this have to do with us?




  1. Are you tempted to think that Christians should use secular weapons to fight for the faith? Why?
  2. If we use fleshly weapons to fight spiritual battles, what do we lose?
  3. What would it look like for you to trust God to commend your life and character and not commend yourself?




More in 2 Corinthians

August 4, 2019

Him We Proclaim

July 28, 2019

The Only Way People Change

July 21, 2019

Faithful Wounds