Current Discipleship Classes
Adult Discipleship Hour (Sunday School) starts at 9 AM every Sunday before worship. We offer a wide range of content, ranging from bible books to theology and church history to topics of general interest. Our goal is participatory learning and the discovery of the centrality of the Gospel in everything.
Starting January 12th
The Upper Room: Jesus’ Last Words—Mark Lauterbach
What did Jesus speak about as he prepared his disciples for his death, resurrection and ascension. Together we will explore John 13-17.
Dust to Glory—Brian McKinley
We will cover a series of messages by R.C. Sproul. Sproul explores the major themes, events, and people that are brought to life in the Bible.
Westminster Shorter Catechism - Karl Bosworth
This is the first term of a two term class. We will cover the first 44 questions covering an introduction and “What man is to believe concerning God”. As a survey class, we will not delve into all the details of every question and will not be focused on memorization, but will discuss the theology embedded in the questions and the meanings of some of the terms used. There is no text required other than the catechism, but The Westminster Shorter Catechism for Study Classes by G. I. Williamson and The Shorter Catechism Explained From Scripture by Thomas Vincent (available in PDF online) might be helpful.
Marriage—Pastor Phil and Shelley Kruis (This class is full and no longer accepting applications)
Marriage is a blessing, but it can be very difficult. Pastor Phil and his wife Shelley want to spend 15 weeks with 6-8 couples who want to learn more about having a satisfying and joyful marriage. We will provide instruction, exercises, and opportunities to discuss. Attendees must fill out the application below to be part of this highly valuable class. Only those who have a high commitment to improve their marriage should apply.
Sign up for all classes below