Marriage. One of the most difficult commitments we can enter into and possibly the one we are least prepared to undertake with some assurance of success. While we are likely aware of the plethora of books and videos available on the subject few of us probably did much more than some quick pastoral counseling prior to the marriage ceremony. Then things went south and we became frustrated and ready to bail out. We were either too proud or the marriage too far gone to seek help. In most cases it appears to be the latter. Help sought too late is generally not effective in saving and restoring a marriage. This guide is for those who still want to have and preserve a strong and loving union with their spouse. We hope you find it to be the simple “instruction manual” you have been without. While it is “simple” at the same time it is difficult. It requires a commitment of time and effort towards replacing old ways, attitudes and habits with new ones.
- Chuck & Barb Strothman