RMPC Prayer
The following are opportunities to gather with other members of RMPC to pray for the church services, Bible studies and education classes, prayer requests, officers of the church, and for the church staff.
Sunday Morning - 8:30 am
Gather in Pastor Phil's office and pray for the morning education classes and worship service.
Sunday Mission Prayer - Last Sunday of the month, 8:30 am
Gather in Pastor Mark Lauterbach's office for a time to pray for the missionaries that RMPC supports.
For a list of prayer needs from all the missionaries that we support, click here.
Tuesday Morning - 8:30 am
Gather in Pastor Phil's office Tuesday mornings to pray for spiritual growth and maturity of the adults and children of RMPC, the numerical growth of RMPC, and our growth in the ability to bless and impact the community around the church.
Wednesday Afternoon - 3:00 pm
Gather with the church staff to pray for prayer requests from the congregation. Meet in Pastor Phil's office.