Test the Spirits

March 16, 2014 Series: 1 John: Love in the Surety of Christ

Topic: Sunday Morning Passage: 1 John 4:1–4:6

"Test the Spirits" - 1 John 4:1-6

Main Point: Those that believe in the truth of Jesus Christ’s saving work and supreme authority over all things are forever safe and secure in him. In light of that truth, we must participate in the work to which he has called us in exposing all that is false, evil, and opposed to him.

I. The Lordship of Jesus Christ

II. The Lord is on the move

III. The Lord has overcome



More in 1 John: Love in the Surety of Christ

April 6, 2014


March 30, 2014

Faith That Overcomes

March 23, 2014

God is Love