RMPC and the coronavirus, March 25, 2020
RMPC and the Coronavirus, March 25, 2020
It has been a week since we decided to cancel all events at the church and to live stream our worship service. We did our inaugural live stream this past Sunday, March 22 and, with some slight technological issues, it was a success.You can find the service recorded on our website and also on the church Facebook page.
I preached on the church’s theme verse for 2020, Mark 6:31a:
“And he said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest awhile.”
I urged you to rest in Jesus and his completed work while we are practicing physical distancing in our “desolate places”. It is there in the desolate place (Hebrew midbar) that God speaks (Hebrew dabar). You’ve been forced into a desolate place where life has slowed down or is taking on a new ‘normal’. Have you heard from God in this desolate place? Are you resting in Jesus as a result?
As a means of maintaining contact and connection with you, the pastors and some of the elders will be sharing a daily devotional on video that will be posted to our Facebook page. Hear what God has been putting on their hearts at this strange and interesting time.
We continue to want to serve you in spite of the separation and isolation we are experiencing. If you need a meal, if you need groceries, if you need a prescription picked up, if you need to be brought somewhere, if you just need a phone call, Let Pastor Phil or Pastor Mark know. You can also call or email Leah Kline. She will remain available during regular office hours (Monday – Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and Friday 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.). She will relay your need to a pastor, an elder, a deacon or another member of the church that is ready to help.
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