The Lord's Day in La Ceiba

As the sun peeked through the giant mango tree outside, sun rays shone through the windows and lit up the wall behind my head waking me from a nice sleep. Breakfast of scrambled eggs, chocolate chip pancakes, and great Honduran coffee hit the spot. After breakfast we had 'gringo' church which was attended by the short-term missionaries, the long-term missionaries, and a few other gringos who live here in La Ceiba. I got to preach to this group from 1 Peter 2:9, 10 reminding them of our mission to proclaim the excellencies of God.

After gringo church we were taken on a tour of La Ceiba. La Ceiba is actually the name of a gigantic tree that grows in this part of Honduras. The city was founded by the Dole company as the city is surrounded by fields of pineapple. A light lunch was followed by an in-depth orientation after which most of the team went on a walk around the neighborhood or took a nap. I did both.

At 3:45 we left for Honduran church. We attended a local evangelical church that liked to rock out. Dinner was great--they are feeding us well. After dinner many helped pack medications in baggies then all those doing medical team meet for instructions and orientation. Shelley was assigned to be the chief pharmacist. I guess her Organizational and people skills won out over her lack of experience with drug use.

Finally, after a long day the team gathered for a meeting to debrief. We discussed highs and lows of the day and followed that up with a discussion of the bible study we've all been doing on the will of God. One point from the study that struck a note with all of us is that all you have to do to know you're doing God's will is to seek him and his glory. We certainly did that on this Lord's Day.